Saturday 2 June 2012


We love a good soup at eugenius cafe almost as much as we like a good drink, so we really love our French onion soup because it's laced with booze. Here's the recipe!

Beef stock (see below) 1 litre
onions 8 off
sugar, a pinch
cafe de paris, 30g (recipe see separate listing) baguette 8 slices
gruyere cheese 100g shaved
red wine glass for soup, rest of bottle for the chef
whisky, a swig
tokay, another swig

Slice fine cross-sectional half rings of onion, while lapping on the red wine as commiseration for the tears the onions bring to your eyes. Fry the onions ion a hot pan with the sugar and cafe de paris, until they turn golden and translucent. Meanwhile simmer the stock. Add a glass of red wine - after all, why shouldn't the onions have some fun? Add a swig of tokay for sweetness and a swig of whisky (not to impugn the cockmanship of the French male, but whisky, not cognac, gives this onion soup its manly thrust). Slice the onions into the broth and simmer for thirty minutes. When ready to serve, add some slivers of cheese to the soup and stir. For the crouton on top, put some more gruyere cheese on a 1cm slice of baguette and grill. Serves 4.

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